UConn MBA Sustainability Case Competition Rules and Registration



  1. Teams must be composed of four graduate students from each participating institution.
  2. A minimum of two students must be enrolled in the institution’s MBA program.
  3. The other members may be students in a different graduate program from the same university.
  4. Teams may include any combination of part-time and full-time students.
  5. Teams may have no more than one executive MBA student participant.
  6. Each team member must be a current student at the educational institution they are representing.
  7. A maximum of two teams from any one school may enroll in the competition.
  8. Students may compete on only one team, and cooperation between teams from the same university is not allowed.
  9. Up to twelve teams will be accepted for the competition on a first-come, first served basis.

Competition Format and Guidelines

  1. Teams will receive the case one week in advance of the competition, during which time they may research and prepare their responses.
  2. The case will be from Sustainability in Healthcare Supply Chain.
  3. Students will be allowed to submit clarification questions about the case via email within the first 24 hours following the release of the case.
  4. Teams may conduct research using online and library resources, and may also consult with outside sources (i.e., industry experts, alumni, etc.).
  5. All sources must be cited at the end of the presentation.
  6. Teams cannot contact the company in the case, or anyone directly affiliated with the case.
  7. Presentations should be submitted by email in PowerPoint format by 07:30 a.m. on Friday, April 12, 2019.
  8. The first round of team presentations will begin at 09:30 a.m. on Friday, April 12, 2019.
  9. Four teams will be chosen to move on to the final round of presentations on Friday afternoon.
  10. Three winning teams will be announced shortly after completion of the final round.
  11. No revisions can be made to the team’s electronic presentation once submitted.
  12. Teams should not announce university affiliations in their presentations nor publish school names or logos in their PowerPoint slides.
  13. Business professional attire is required for the presentation, and attire should not indicate school affiliation.


  1. Competition judges will be drawn from industry experts, the academic community, and the business case sponsor.
  2. Presentations will be judged based on each team’s ability to define and analyze the issues, and to justify and effectively communicate a recommended plan of action.
  3. Judges will be familiar with the company and the case, so teams do not need to repeat the case in their presentations.
  4. Following the final round, 1st place ($2,500), 2nd place ($1,500), and 3rd place ($1,000) teams will be announced during a brief award ceremony.

Deadlines and Important Dates

  1. The deadline to register for the 2019 UConn MBA Sustainability Case Competition is Monday, April 01, 2019.
  2. Final team member names must be submitted by Wednesday, April 03, 2019.
  3. All team members must arrive in Hartford, Connecticut, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, 2019.
  4. All teams are expected to stay through the final award ceremony at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 12, 2019.